Originally, I was only going to write about Parks & Rec, but after NBC's Wednesday night Happy Hour of Whitney and Are you there, Chelsea? I have been thinking about NBC, and how badly the network is doing. The glory days of Thursday night used to be Community, Parks &Rec, The Office, and 30 Rock. That line up makes total sense. All shows that I love, throwing Whitney in there didn't make sense. I like Whitney, but the comedy isn't in the same vein as the others. Up All Night is a better fit, I even think that could work for Wednesday night's Happy Hour.
But the bigger question would be is The Office past its prime? (Sorry, Mindy!) If The Office wasn't renewed, we'd have Community on Thursday nights. Community is tabled right now while NBC gets its act together. Sadly, NBC can't get rid of The Office if it wanted to because of the fan base.
Way to go NBC, I hope you are getting comfortable in 4th place for the next few years until you stop greenlighting shows like The Firm. Who thought that was a good idea? I was in grade school when that movie came out, and even younger when the book was first published, what demographic are you trying to get? Apparently not mine.
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